Computing & Society

CS 102.1
Spring 1999

Thomas P. Kelliher
Hoffberger 140
Office phone: 337-6189
Home phone: 931-2946
Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN
Office hours: MWF 9:00--10:00am. Th 12:00-2:00pm. Other times by appointment.

Hoffberger 149
MWF 2:30--3:20pm
Three credits. One additional credit for the Service Credit Option (CS 102S.1).

Communicating, computing what's the difference? We will explore the world of computing: its capabilities and limitations. The Internet and the World Wide Web are a large part of that world, unlocking personal communication on a scale never before seen. Where else can one communicate with so many, so inexpensively. How do we locate the information we need among this ever-growing body of ``knowledge?'' How do we evaluate that which we find? How can we communicate most effectively with others?

We will also be introduced to some of the technical aspects of computing, as well as the many areas of social and ethical concern raised by the rapid evolution of computer technology. Topics include the Internet and worldwide information exchange, the power and limitations of the computer as a problem solver, and the issues of privacy, security, and computer crime. The course will be very much ``hands-on.'' Large parts of the course are devoted to an exploration of specific computer applications and the Internet.

  1. Catapult, Inc., Microsoft FrontPage 97 Step by Step, Microsoft Press, 1997. Required.
  2. T. Gesing and J. Schneider, JavaScript for the World Wide Web, Peachpit Press, 1997. Required.
  3. L. Acklen, Word for Windows 95 Essentials, Que E & T, 1996. Required.

Other Resources:

There are many, many resources available on the Internet and especially the World Wide Web. Two of our course goals are discovering and evaluating these resources.

Grade Distribution

A = [92--100], A- = [90--92), B+ = [88--90), B = [82--88), B- = [80--82), etc.

Course Point Distribution

There are 900 total points for the course:

  1. Quizzes --- Quizzes will be given on alternate Fridays and a final quiz will be given during the final period. Quizzes are non-cumulative. If you cannot appear for a quiz, make arrangements with me beforehand. Quiz dates: 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 4/2, 4/16, and 4/30. The final quiz will be scheduled by SAS. Eight quizzes, 60 points each.

  2. Papers --- One 4--5 page paper, 60 points. The due date and a list of suggested topics will announced later.

  3. Projects --- Internet resource search, JavaScript programming, and personal home page. 60 points each.

  4. Group Web site semester project --- After reading project proposals and gauging interests and abilities, project groups (3--4 team members) will be formed. Projects will be presented by each group to the class during the final week of classes. The project is worth 120 points.

  5. Attendance, participation. 60 points.

Course Handouts:

Most course handouts will be made available once in class. After that, they may be obtained from the class home page on the World Wide Web (see the class URL above). Some course handouts will only be distributed through the class home page.

Attendance of classes is expected and is a part of your grade. It is your responsibility to catch up on missed class work. Roll will be taken at the beginning of class.

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. We are all bound by the Academic Honor Code.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Jan 19 10:21:49 EST 1999
Tom Kelliher