MS Word

Tom Kelliher, CS 102

Jan. 29, 1999



I'm getting the ``run around.''

Quiz on Wednesday.


Read Project 4 in the MS Word book and be ready to do some of the exercises from the Applying Your Skills section at the end of the project.

From Last Time

Decimal to binary conversion, JavaScript program --- a guessing game, binary search.


  1. Carol Weinberg.

  2. Introductions.

  3. Class Network Drive.

  4. MS Word exercise.

Coming Up

A little more Word.

Carol Weinberg on Service Learning


Class Network Drive

Connecting. See the handout.

MS Word Exercise

Project 3 from Word for Windows 95 Essentials. Follow through the lessons. Save the file onto your G: drive. If you don't have the floppy, look on the S: drive for the project folder.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Jan 28 18:14:30 EST 1999
Tom Kelliher