Homepage Project

CS 102

60 pts., Due Apr 16, 1999

You are to prepare a minimum of three pages, covering the following topics:

  1. A page telling us about yourself. This should be your ``main'' page (i.e., the index.htm page). Make sure you properly introduce yourself to the rest of us in cyber-space. Everything on the page should reflect your personality.

  2. A hobby or personal interest page. This page should serve as an information resource, telling and showing us several things about the hobby/interest as well as containing links to additional information. Of course, these links should pass our evaluation test.

  3. A brief resume, using a table to control formatting.

These pages should make use of the following:
  1. Each page should end in a ``signature block,'' informing the reader of the last date of modification to the page (it's easiest to do this with a bit of JavaScript; see simpleMarquee (http://phoenix.goucher.edu/~kelliher/cs102/simpleMarquee.html), your name, and your e-mail address in a mailto URL. The signatures should include a ``home'' button which is a link to your main page. You can borrow a home button from someone else's home page or look in the following places for buttons (and other images) to use:
    1. Yahoo Graphics directory page

    2. Coolnerds Free Web Graphics (http://www.coolnerds.com/webart/index.htm)

    3. MS Multimedia Gallery

    The signature block should be separated from the body of the page with a visual separator.

  2. Each page should make use of a background and have a title (the title bar title as well as a Heading 1 title at the top of the page). The background may either be a solid color or a background image.

  3. The pages should make use of images and links, as appropriate.

  4. Basic formatting should be used. (I.e., headings, lists, etc.)

  5. Good spelling and grammar should be used.

Properly executing these preceding requirements will earn you a grade of ``B.'' Properly executing any three of the following requirements, in addition to the preceding requirements , will earn you an ``A.''

  1. An additional hobby/interest page.

  2. A third hobby/interest page.

  3. Good use of at least three scanned images. The scanned images must be of good to excellent quality.

  4. Making use of at least three images which you designed yourself using Paint Shop Pro or another drawing/paint program.

  5. Using self-designed transparent interlaced GIF title headings for each of your pages. These headings can't also be used for fulfilling the previous requirement.

  6. Using tables in a moderately complex and interesting manner (e.g., newspaper columns, extensive use of spanning, more-precise image placement). The table in your resume doesn't count for this.

  7. Using clickable image maps.

  8. Designing all your pages so that they are ``low-bandwidth'' friendly: Using small image file sizes, providing the text alternative representation, using only a small number of images per page, and reusing images between your pages. None of your pages should need more than 20 seconds to load when using a 28.8Kb modem.

  9. Using JavaScript.

You are welcome to make suggestions for additional items to add to this list. To receive credit, your pages must be published on phoenix. By the 16th, e-mail me (to Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN goucher.edu) a document briefly describing your Web pages. This document should point out any features of your pages which you are claiming in order to earn an ``A.''

Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Apr 5 09:13:55 EDT 1999
Tom Kelliher