Homepage Project
CS 102
60 pts., Due Apr 16, 1999
You are to prepare a minimum of three pages, covering the following topics:
- A page telling us about yourself. This should be your ``main'' page
(i.e., the index.htm page). Make sure you properly introduce
yourself to the rest of us in cyber-space. Everything on the page should
reflect your personality.
- A hobby or personal interest page. This page should serve as an
information resource, telling and showing us several things about the
hobby/interest as well as containing links to additional information. Of
course, these links should pass our evaluation test.
- A brief resume, using a table to control formatting.
These pages should make use of the following:
- Each page should end in a ``signature block,'' informing the reader
of the last date of modification to the page (it's easiest to do this with
a bit of JavaScript; see
your name, and your e-mail
address in a mailto URL. The signatures should include a ``home''
button which is a link to your main page. You can borrow a home button
from someone else's home page or look in the following places for buttons
(and other images)
to use:
Yahoo Graphics directory page
Coolnerds Free Web Graphics
MS Multimedia Gallery
The signature block should be
separated from the body of the page with a visual separator.
- Each page should make use of a background and have a title (the title
bar title as well as a Heading 1 title at the top of the page). The
background may either be a solid color or a background image.
- The pages should make use of images and links, as appropriate.
- Basic formatting should be used. (I.e., headings, lists, etc.)
- Good spelling and grammar should be used.
Properly executing these preceding requirements will earn you a grade of
``B.'' Properly executing any three of the following requirements, in
addition to the preceding requirements , will earn you an ``A.''
- An additional hobby/interest page.
- A third hobby/interest page.
- Good use of at least three scanned images. The scanned images must
be of good to excellent quality.
- Making use of at least three images which you designed yourself using
Paint Shop Pro or another drawing/paint program.
- Using self-designed transparent interlaced GIF title headings for
each of your pages. These headings can't also be used for fulfilling the
previous requirement.
- Using tables in a moderately complex and interesting manner (e.g.,
newspaper columns, extensive use of spanning, more-precise image
placement). The table in your resume doesn't count for this.
- Using clickable image maps.
- Designing all your pages so that they are ``low-bandwidth''
friendly: Using small image file sizes, providing the text alternative
representation, using only a small number of images per page, and reusing
images between your pages. None of your pages should need more than 20
seconds to load when using a 28.8Kb modem.
- Using JavaScript.
You are welcome to make suggestions for additional items to add to this
list. To receive credit, your pages must be published on phoenix. By the
16th, e-mail me (to Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN goucher.edu
) a document briefly
describing your Web pages. This document should point out any features of
your pages which you are claiming in order to earn an ``A.''
Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Apr 5 09:13:55 EDT 1999
Tom Kelliher