Homework 1 Background
Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Feb. 24, 1999
Quiz on Friday:
- Internet material: short answer.
- JavaScript: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank. No code writing.
Homework 1 handout. Read Lessons 1 and 2 in the FrontPage book. Bring
FrontPage book to class.
JavaScript programming.
- Discussion of homework 1.
- Brief introduction to Excel.
- Brief introduction to PowerPoint.
- Excel:
- Labels, values, formulas.
- The function wizard and the pmt financial function.
- Charts on separate sheets using Insert, Chart.
Use of bar and pie charts.
- Powerpoint:
- Selecting a presentation style.
- Selecting a slide style.
- Filling in a slide; adding clip art.
- Adding animation effects.
- Design an algorithm that keeps reading positive numbers until the
user enters a zero value, and determines and outputs the largest number.
- Design an algorithm that reads an arbitrary number of numbers and
outputs their arithmetic average.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Wed Feb 24 09:21:30 EST 1999
Tom Kelliher