Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Feb. 8, 1999
Return quizzes.
MS Word, urban legends.
Introduction to JavaScript.
The most basic HTML page:
<html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Viewing HTML directly.
Some nomenclature:
<i>Italics</i> <p>
<body bgcolor="white" text="blue"> <a href="">Goucher College</a>
Some tags:
--- enclosed text is the page title.
Only valid in the head section.
--- enclosed text (or an
image) will be centered.
--- enclosed text will be an unnumbered
section heading. Range: 1--6.
--- the end tag isn't usually used.
--- italics and bold,
<a href="URL">...</a>
--- enclosed text will be a link
to URL, which shouldn't be abbreviated.
<img src="URL">
--- no end tag. Insert the image
pointed to by the URL.
--- no end tag. Insert a horizontal
<script><!-- var modiDate = document.lastModified; modiDate = modiDate.substring(0,8); document.write("This page last updated on " + modiDate); // --></script>