Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Sept. 4, 1998
From last time:
- Syllabus, survey.
- Choosing passwords.
- Drives and drive letters.
- Getting rid of junk.
- Knowing what's in front of you.
- Using the ``People Find'' tool at Lycos
), find out where I lived when I lived in Pennsylvania (recall that my
middle initial is ``P''). See if you can use People Find to find out
information about your family. What do you think about this sort of a
- Visit the Web site
and see if you can find a satellite photograph of your house. Were you
smiling when the picture was taken?
--- ``Choosing a Good Password.''
- Floppy drive.
- Local hard drive(s). Network hard drive(s). Differences between the
- CD-ROM drive. What is ``ROM?''
- How to remove a file or folder. Selecting several items for removal.
For local files, using and not using the recycle bin.
- Quotas:
- What is a quota? Why do we have them? Are there alternatives?
- E-mail: warning at 10 MB, limit at 15 MB. What's an ``MB?''
- Network drive: quotas coming.
- Possible to move e-mail to folder on network drive.
- What kind of e-mail/files takes up the most space?
- The recycle bin in e-mail. Configuring.
First, an important part of the desktop: the TaskBar. What can it do for
- Title bar.
- Menu bar. Typical menus.
- Toolbar. Menu shortcuts. Typical tools, common to most apps.
- Scroll bars.
- Status bar.
- Window controls:
- Application control-menu box.
- Minimize button.
- Window/full screen button.
- Close button.
- Moving, resizing a window.
- Two bars specific to MS word: formatting toolbar, ruler.
- How to insert an e-mail attachment.
- How to specify what drive a document is saved to.
- How to select several items.
- How to delete files, e-mail.
- What a quota is.
- Your way around the desktop and windows.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Sep 3 16:59:03 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher