Mechanics and Introduction
Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Sept. 2, 1998
- Syllabus.
- Walk through the survey. Does everyone have account information?
- The survey.
- Get your username and password, if you haven't already done so.
- Objectives:
- Computing as communication.
- Cyberfluency: taking advantage of Internet resources; being an
active participant. Establishing your independence and comfort with
- Finding and evaluating information.
- Quickly getting to Web page design.
- Examining the relationship between society and technology.
- Getting our hands on technology.
- Internet resources.
- Late assignment policy: 10% off the first day late, another 10% the
second day late. Assignments more than two days late not accepted.
- Missed quizzes policy: if you can't make it to a quiz, make
arrangements with me beforehand. Exceptions granted for
- Class preparation. Attendance. Honor code.
- Any requests for other topics?
- Walk through.
- Each student individually complete the survey.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Sep 1 13:11:02 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher