Quiz 3

CS 102

60 pts., Oct. 9, 1998

Answer each of the following questions. Each question is worth 20 points. E-mail your solution to Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN goucher.edu by midnight tonight. (The following names are fictitious.)

  1. You have become the Webmaster for Wise and Noble College, a small College with a strong religious affiliation. The previous Webmaster graduated. A faculty member has come to you, concerned because there are links from the student health page of the Web site to sites discussing various forms of birth control. The faculty member is concerned because various potential benefactors of the College might see the links. You have the feeling that the faculty member would like you to remove those links. What do you do? Why?

  2. You are the e-mail administrator for Cornucopia State University. The University Registrar rushes into your office because he has just mistakenly e-mailed confidential grade information to everyone on campus. He demands that you delete the e-mail immediately. (In the back of your mind, you're thinking about those people who have their e-mail automatically forwarded to other locations...) What do you do? Why?

  3. You are a faculty member at Wise and Noble College, where a student has recently been accused of hurling obscenities and insults at someone in an on-line public forum. The defamed person sent e-mail to the College's network administrator, demanding that the student's network privileges be revoked, at the very least. The e-mail contained an attachment of the purported exchange between the two parties. The College Computer Center has asked you to assist it in gathering evidence. The student has come to you, asking for help. He claims that there was no such exchange. You are one of the few people on campus aware of how easy it is to forge such an exchange. You are also one of the few people on campus possessing the technical know-how needed for gathering the evidence. What do you do? Why?

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Oct 6 13:23:46 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher