FrontPage Publishing

CS 102

Sept. 28, 1998


You should have the information for your Web account in front of you. There are three pieces of information: your name, your URL (which looks like ~kelliher), and your password. Your Web account name is your URL without the ~, for example, kelliher. Sometimes you will be asked to provide your Web account name and other times your URL.

Phoenix, the Web server, runs the Unix operating system. Names in Unix are case sensitive, meaning that c is not the same as C as in Microsoft operating systems. So, when typing your password you have to use the Shift key appropriately. I've tried to indicate on your account slips the differences between ``el'' ( l), ``one'' ( 1), capital ``oh'' ( O), and ``zero'' ( 0). Your password is exactly eight characters long.

First Things First

Before you can publish, you need something to publish. For practice and testing purposes, you should publish a small Web site consisting of two or three pages. These pages should has a few links between each other and contain two or three images. There should also be a few links from your pages to the outside world.

You may use either your web1 or lesson3 Webs as the starting point for your site. You're also free to start a site from scratch.


  1. Open FrontPage.

  2. Let's start by changing your password (but if you really like the password I assigned, feel free to keep it). If your Goucher network password is a good (as we discussed) password, use that one for your Web account. Otherwise come up with a good password. (I have a few for sale.) Take your time creating a new password; it's not easy.
    1. Click the Open Existing FrontPage Web radio button in the dialog box or the Open FrontPage Web button on the toolbar if the dialog box is no longer around.

    2. The Open FrontPage Web dialog box opens. For Web Server type phoenix . Click the List Webs button. All our Webs will appear in the FrontPage Webs list. Find your URL, highlight it, and click OK.

    3. The Name and Password Required dialog box opens. Login using your Web account name and password. Call me over if you can't get in after a few tries.

    4. Once you see your empty Web site (you'll see your URL up in FrontPage's title bar), open the Tools menu and choose Change Password. You will be requested to supply your old password (the one I assigned) and then to supply your new password twice. Why do you suppose you have to provide it twice?

    5. Once you've changed that password, if you want to change the password for your network account, press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously (this is called the ``three-fingered salute''). The Windows NT Security dialog box will open. Click Change Password and repeat, using your old Goucher password for Old Password.

  3. Open the Web you wish to publish ( Web1 lesson3 or something else). Remember that you enter the folder location of the Web, and that looks something like g:\kelliher\Web1). Choose your <Root Web>.

  4. Open the File menu and choose Publish FrontPage Web. The Publish FrontPage Web dialog box will open. There is some information which must be provided:
    1. The Destination Web Server is phoenix .

    2. The Name of Destination FrontPage Web is your URL, for example, ~kelliher .

    3. Under Options ensure that only Add to an existing FrontPage Web is selected.

    Click OK. You probably won't have to provide your password again because FrontPage remembers it until you close FrontPage.

  5. FrontPage should begin copying your <Root Web> in your G: drive Web site over to phoenix. After a few seconds (more if you're transferring a lot of pages/images), you should see a dialog box indicating success.

  6. Now it's time to check out your Web site on the Internet. Open Internet Explorer and enter your URL, for example, phoenix/~kelliher/ . Is your site there? Does everything work? Call me over to verify your site with you.

    On campus your URL is similar to phoenix/~kelliher/ . Off-campus, however, your URL is similar to . If you choose to tell others of your URL, be sure to give them the off-campus URL.

  7. Ok, let's say your Web site's not ready for prime time. If you want to remove it (if you want to leave it, that's cool too) from phoenix here's how:
    1. Go back to FrontPage Explorer and click the Open FrontPage Web button on the toolbar. The Open FrontPage Web opens once again. Type phoenix for the Web Server and click List Webs. Choose your URL from the FrontPage Web list, highlight it, and click OK. You probably won't have to provide your password.

    2. Your Web site on phoenix will appear in FrontPage Explorer. Notice that it looks just like your Web site on your G: drive. If you look up in FrontPage's title bar, you can see that you're exploring your Web site on phoenix. Make sure that's the case, because you wouldn't want to delete your G: drive files.

    3. Switch your Web site view from Hyperlink View to Folder View by clicking the Folder View button on the toolbar.

    4. You should now see a list on the right-hand side of the window containing a couple folders and the files encompassing your Web site. The files will have extensions of .htm, .gif, .jpg, and, perhaps, .html. Remove those files. Don't remove the two folders (they're named _private and images); doing so is bad karma. To remove a file, in case you don't know how, first highlight it and then zap it with the Delete key.

    5. Your Web site should now be gone. Go back to Internet Explorer and verify.

Congratulations. You can now tell everyone you've been published. :-)

Thomas P. Kelliher
Sat Sep 26 17:58:04 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher