Using Paint Shop Pro
CS 102
Oct. 12, 1998
First, I'll demonstrate several of the features of Paint Shop Pro. Then, I
want you to experiment: paint a picture, modify an image you've downloaded
from the Web, design a sign with a transparent background, and/or design
some bullets or buttons.
Experiment with Paint Shop Pro. Grab a GIF or JPEG file and edit it. Try
painting your own image. Try:
- Opening an image file.
- Saving an image file. File formats. Interlaced GIF.
- Using the browser to view results.
- Getting help.
- Undo.
- Flip, mirror, rotate.
- Foreground, background color. Selecting each. Swapping them.
- Increasing, decreasing color depth.
- Count colors used.
- Filters. Minimum color depth.
- Filter browsing.
- Brightness, contrast, embossing.
- Making a background by adjusting color information.
- Negative, grayscale.
- Painting.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Sun Oct 11 17:43:33 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher