Introducing FrontPage

CS 102

Sept. 18, 1998

  1. Using the Start menu, open Microsoft FrontPage.

  2. Uncheck the Show Getting Started Dialog checkbox and press the OK button.

  3. You're now in FrontPage Explorer. This is your Web manager. The first thing to do is create a Web. A Web is a collection of Web pages. Open the File menu and choose New and then choose FrontPage Web. Choose the Normal Web template.

  4. For Web server or file location, you need to specify a folder on your G: drive. Type this:
    (replacing kelliher with your username). Leave Name of New FrontPage Web empty. If you are asked if you want to create a folder, reply ``yes.'' This folder is where the Web is created.

  5. Double click on your Home Page in the right-hand window pane. FrontPage editor opens up. (Don't close FrontPage Explorer --- FrontPage Editor should never be used without FrontPage Explorer.) Note that the page title appears in the title bar. This isn't the same thing as the name of the file in which the page is stored. Let's change the title to make it more informative. Open the File menu and choose Page Properties. Note that the name of this file is index.htm. That's important --- your home page must have this as its file name. Change the title to something like ``Tom's Home Page.''

  6. Open Internet Explorer and find a Web page with text on it. Any page will do. Select some of the text and drag it to your Web page in FrontPage Editor.

  7. Now, arrange the Internet Explorer and FrontPage Explorer windows on your desktop so that you can see both of them simultaneously. Switch FrontPage Explorer to folder view by clicking the folder icon in the middle of the tool bar. In Internet Explorer, find a Web page with an image. Drag the image into your Web folder in FrontPage Explorer. Arrange your windows so that you can see both FrontPage Explorer and FrontPage Editor. Now, drag the image from FrontPage Explorer to your Web page in FrontPage Editor.

  8. Save your Web page.

  9. Experiment with your Web page. Right click on the page and choose Page Properties. Change the background color.

  10. Right click on the image and choose Image Properties. Choose the Appearance tab. Experiment with alignment and size. See if you can make the text wrap around the image. (You might have to add text to the paragraph for this to work.)

  11. Selecting words or phrases of text, experiment with the following from the formatting toolbar:
    1. Text style, font, and size. (The Heading 1 style is often used at the top of the page. Other heading styles are used to begin sections. The Normal style is used for body text.

    2. Bold, italics, and underlining.

    3. Text color.

    4. Text alignment.

    5. Try making some paragraphs into a numbered or bulleted list.

  12. Try the Undo button to learn how to recover from simple mistakes.

  13. Using the Insert menu, insert a line break, a horizontal line, a marquee, a copyright symbol.

  14. Notice that your marquee isn't moving. Save your page and press the Preview in Browser button. The marquee will be moving in Internet Explorer. The editor isn't as sophisticated as a browser.

  15. Right click on your horizontal line and experiment with its properties.

  16. When you've finished experimenting, save your Web page and close the editor and the explorers (FrontPage and Internet).

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Sep 17 14:48:34 EDT 1998
Tom Kelliher