More Searching the World Wide Web

CS 102

Sept. 19, 1997


  1. Before starting this, finish Wednesday's work. Make sure you're comfortable with cut and paste (this is something you can do between virtually any two programs, as well as within the same program: in MS Word, for instance, to move a paragraph you can cut it from its location and paste it into its new location. By the way, what's the difference between cut and copy?). Also, make sure you're comfortable with saving your documents into your network folder and using attachments with e-mail.

  2. Visit Lycos: . Locate the People Find Link. Using People Find, what was my address and phone number when I lived in Pennsylvania? (Hint: my phone number was in the 412 area code.)

  3. Can you get a map showing, and directions to, your family's home? Friends' homes?

  4. Did you know this kind of information was available on the Web? What do you think about this?

More resources

Guides to search engines and searching the Web.

  1. Explore the Internet! . Tutorials, guides, FAQs (frequently asked questions lists), starting points, and more.

  2. searchengines.html. . A site listing many available search engines.

  3. Yahoo!: How to Search the Web.
    . Another list of links of resources for searching the Web. (Don't type in this URL. Instead, work down through the Yahoo categories.)


Using MS Word, write a two-page paper discussing privacy and security on the Web. Locate several examples, similar to Lycos' People Find, of personal information out there on the Web and discuss in your paper (cite the URLs in your references).

Your paper should contain several references, but they may only be information found on the Web.

Your paper should be nicely formatted, with section headings in a different font and point size than the body text and should have a separate title page.

Your paper is to be e-mailed as an attachment to Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN by Monday, September 29. If you have questions regarding formatting features in MS Word, e-mail them to me by Thursday morning, September 25. If there are sufficient questions, we will spend Friday's class going over formatting in Word.

If you are having difficulties locating research material on the Web, schedule an appointment with me early in the week.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Sep 19 08:17:52 EDT 1997
Tom Kelliher