Designing Your Own Home Pages
Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Oct. 22, 1997
- Semester project proposals due Friday.
Personal home pages. Due date to be determined. Will use some class time
for it. General requirements:
- Reflect your personality through Cyberspace.
- Demonstrate general proficiency in FrontPage.
- Correct spelling and grammar.
- Pleasing visuals.
These pages will be published on phoenix. I'll grade the published
- Finish Lab 2.
- Begin working on your home pages.
Create a new, empty folder on your network drive for this. Use the
new folder. Suggestion: name the folder homepage.
For examples see:
(These are some Westminster College student home pages.)
Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Oct 21 11:55:23 EDT 1997
Tom Kelliher