These may take a little time to load, so please be patient. See here for more examples and an explanation of the <param> tags.
The html:
<applet codebase="" code="Dgclock.class" width=100 height=30> <param name="TimeFormat" value="%I"> You browser does not support Java or Java is not enabled. </applet>
The html:
<applet codebase="" code="Dgclock.class" width=100 height=30 align=absmiddle> <param name="TimeFormat" value="%I"> <param name="ShowFrame" value="no"> <param name="ShowVersion" value="no"> <param name="fg" value="black"> <param name="bg" value="aebfb5"> You browser does not support Java or Java is not enabled. </applet>
The html:
<applet codebase="" code="Dgclock.class" width=100 height=30> <param name="TZ" value="GMT+0000"> You browser does not support Java or Java is not enabled. </applet>