Uses of Class

Packages that use Logic

Uses of Logic in ai.logic

Methods in ai.logic that return Logic
static Logic Logic.parse(java.lang.String expr)
          Parse an expression string
static Logic Logic.parse(java.util.StringTokenizer expr, java.util.Vector operators, java.util.Vector operands, java.lang.String lookahead)

Methods in ai.logic with parameters of type Logic
 void PropKnowledgeBase.tell(Logic statement)
          Add a statement to the knowledge base
 boolean PropKnowledgeBase.ask(Logic statement)
          Query the knowledge base
 void HornKnowledgeBase.tell(Logic statement)
          Add a statement to the knowledge base
 java.util.Vector HornKnowledgeBase.ask(Logic query)
          Query the knowledge base This uses the backChain algorithm to return a list of answers