Chapter 17. The Postgres Rule System

Table of Contents
17.1. What is a Querytree?
17.2. Views and the Rule System
17.2.1. Implementation of Views in Postgres
17.2.2. How SELECT Rules Work
17.2.3. View Rules in Non-SELECT Statements
17.2.4. The Power of Views in Postgres
17.2.5. What about updating a view?
17.3. Rules on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
17.3.1. Differences from View Rules
17.3.2. How These Rules Work
17.3.3. Cooperation with Views
17.4. Rules and Permissions
17.5. Rules versus Triggers

Author: Written by Jan Wieck. Updates for 7.1 by Tom Lane.

Production rule systems are conceptually simple, but there are many subtle points involved in actually using them. Some of these points and the theoretical foundations of the Postgres rule system can be found in [Stonebraker et al, ACM, 1990].

Some other database systems define active database rules. These are usually stored procedures and triggers and are implemented in Postgres as functions and triggers.

The query rewrite rule system (the "rule system" from now on) is totally different from stored procedures and triggers. It modifies queries to take rules into consideration, and then passes the modified query to the query planner for planning and execution. It is very powerful, and can be used for many things such as query language procedures, views, and versions. The power of this rule system is discussed in [Ong and Goh, 1990] as well as [Stonebraker et al, ACM, 1990].

17.1. What is a Querytree?

To understand how the rule system works it is necessary to know when it is invoked and what its input and results are.

The rule system is located between the query parser and the planner. It takes the output of the parser, one querytree, and the rewrite rules from the pg_rewrite catalog, which are querytrees too with some extra information, and creates zero or many querytrees as result. So its input and output are always things the parser itself could have produced and thus, anything it sees is basically representable as an SQL statement.

Now what is a querytree? It is an internal representation of an SQL statement where the single parts that built it are stored separately. These querytrees are visible when starting the Postgres backend with debuglevel 4 and typing queries into the interactive backend interface. The rule actions in the pg_rewrite system catalog are also stored as querytrees. They are not formatted like the debug output, but they contain exactly the same information.

Reading a querytree requires some experience and it was a hard time when I started to work on the rule system. I can remember that I was standing at the coffee machine and I saw the cup in a targetlist, water and coffee powder in a rangetable and all the buttons in a qualification expression. Since SQL representations of querytrees are sufficient to understand the rule system, this document will not teach how to read them. It might help to learn it and the naming conventions are required in the later following descriptions.

17.1.1. The Parts of a Querytree

When reading the SQL representations of the querytrees in this document it is necessary to be able to identify the parts the statement is broken into when it is in the querytree structure. The parts of a querytree are

the commandtype

This is a simple value telling which command (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) produced the parsetree.

the rangetable

The rangetable is a list of relations that are used in the query. In a SELECT statement these are the relations given after the FROM keyword.

Every rangetable entry identifies a table or view and tells by which name it is called in the other parts of the query. In the querytree the rangetable entries are referenced by index rather than by name, so here it doesn't matter if there are duplicate names as it would in an SQL statement. This can happen after the rangetables of rules have been merged in. The examples in this document will not have this situation.

the resultrelation

This is an index into the rangetable that identifies the relation where the results of the query go.

SELECT queries normally don't have a result relation. The special case of a SELECT INTO is mostly identical to a CREATE TABLE, INSERT ... SELECT sequence and is not discussed separately here.

On INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries the resultrelation is the table (or view!) where the changes take effect.

the targetlist

The targetlist is a list of expressions that define the result of the query. In the case of a SELECT, the expressions are what builds the final output of the query. They are the expressions between the SELECT and the FROM keywords. (* is just an abbreviation for all the attribute names of a relation. It is expanded by the parser into the individual attributes, so the rule system never sees it.)

DELETE queries don't need a targetlist because they don't produce any result. In fact the planner will add a special CTID entry to the empty targetlist. But this is after the rule system and will be discussed later. For the rule system the targetlist is empty.

In INSERT queries the targetlist describes the new rows that should go into the resultrelation. It is the expressions in the VALUES clause or the ones from the SELECT clause in INSERT ... SELECT. Missing columns of the resultrelation will be filled in by the planner with a constant NULL expression.

In UPDATE queries, the targetlist describes the new rows that should replace the old ones. In the rule system, it contains just the expressions from the SET attribute = expression part of the query. The planner will add missing columns by inserting expressions that copy the values from the old row into the new one. And it will add the special CTID entry just as for DELETE too.

Every entry in the targetlist contains an expression that can be a constant value, a variable pointing to an attribute of one of the relations in the rangetable, a parameter, or an expression tree made of function calls, constants, variables, operators etc.

the qualification

The query's qualification is an expression much like one of those contained in the targetlist entries. The result value of this expression is a boolean that tells if the operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT) for the final result row should be executed or not. It is the WHERE clause of an SQL statement.

the join tree

The query's join tree shows the structure of the FROM clause. For a simple query like SELECT FROM a, b, c the join tree is just a list of the FROM items, because we are allowed to join them in any order. But when JOIN expressions --- particularly outer joins --- are used, we have to join in the order shown by the JOINs. The join tree shows the structure of the JOIN expressions. The restrictions associated with particular JOIN clauses (from ON or USING expressions) are stored as qualification expressions attached to those join tree nodes. It turns out to be convenient to store the top-level WHERE expression as a qualification attached to the top-level join tree item, too. So really the join tree represents both the FROM and WHERE clauses of a SELECT.

the others

The other parts of the querytree like the ORDER BY clause aren't of interest here. The rule system substitutes entries there while applying rules, but that doesn't have much to do with the fundamentals of the rule system.