Mac X2Go Client for Remote Desktop Access to Phoenix

  1. Download and install XQuartz.

    If a pop-up appears during Xquartz installation that states security settings are not allowing the Xquartz client to run, do the following:

  2. Download and install X2GoClient. If your OS X version is 10.9 or higher, click the "OS X 10.9 and higher DMG" link on this page, otherwise, click the "OS X 10.6 and higher DMG" link on this page. If you're not sure what you OS X version is, look here for instructions on finding your version.
  3. Download Open the Terminal utility and run the following shell command:
       unzip Downloads/
  4. Reboot your Mac.
  5. Run the x2goclient application. Some versions of OS X may refuse to run the application. If this happens to you, Control-click the x2goclient application, click "Open," and then click Open in the dialog box that will open. (See "How to open an app from an unidentified developer and exempt it from Gatekeeper" here. You will only have to do this once.)
  6. Once x2goclient is running, you should see a Phoenix card on the righthand side of the X2Go Client. If not, go here to configure your Phoenix connection manually. Following that, come back here.

    Click on the Phoenix card on the righhand side of the X2Go Client:

    Then, enter your login information on the lefthand side of the X2Go Client:

Last updated Wednesday, 26-May-2021 11:20:03 EDT.
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