Lab 2 – Drag and Drop


  1. Open your previous lab project in eclipse.

  2. You are going to extend this GUI by adding drag and drop mechanism to the labels that hold the selected icons.  We want the ability to copy the icon from one label to another by dragging.  The tutorial for drag and drop is available at
    Each component that is either the source or the destination of a drag and drop much have a TransferHandler. 

    1. You will add the default TransferHandler to each of your jLabels such as:

            jLabel.setTransferHandler(new myTransferHandler("icon"));

      When you create a TransferHandler you specify the java bean property that you want to transfer such as text, icon, background, etc.

    2. Next you will add a mouseListener to each of the labels so that when the mouse is pressed within the label it will initiate a drag and drop operation by invoking the exportAsDrag operation from the components TransferHandler.

          jLabel.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() {
                   public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {   
                                JComponent c = (JComponent)e.getSource();
                                TransferHandler handler = c.getTransferHandler();
                                handler.exportAsDrag(c, e, TransferHandler.COPY);

  1. Run your GUI and try performing drag and drop operations on the labels.  You should see that the icon from the source of the drag gets copied to the dropped location.

  2. Add another jLabel with the trash can icon provided somewhere with in your GUI.  We are going to make it so that when we drag an icon here it will get removed from our array.  Here the default TransferHandler just doesn’t do what we want.  Instead, we are going to define two TransferHandler classes that extend the default.  First take a look at the documentation for the TransferHandler class: 
    The important methods for our purposes here are exportAsDrag, exportDone, and importData.

  3. Write an inner class to your GUI called TrashTransferHandler that extends the TransferHandler class.  Override the importData method so that it calls the super class importData and then changes the trash icon to a full trash can.  Test this out and see if it does what you expect.

  4. Now write an inner class called LabelTransferHandler that extends the TransferHandler class.  Override the exportAsDrag and exportDone methods so that when you drag an icon into the trash can that icons disappears from your array of JLabels.
    Hint:  You may want to create your own subclass of the JLabels so that a JLabel will contain data for its position in the array.  You will need this to shift the values around in the array once a label is deleted.

  5. Modify LabelTransferHandler so that you can drag the icon from one label to another and it will insert the dragged icon in that new position rather than just copying it there.

  6. Send your completed project folder to in zipped format for grading.