Chapter 2

Guidelines, Principles, and Theories



Objectives: Interaction style and principles for good design






Look at the following Web sites and perform the following activities. Each group will work on one Web site only. We will compare the results during the discussion.


Verify if the designers have applied good principles of design. Follow the list of the eight golden rules of interface design.


  1. Consistency: Find an example of each of the following that proves or refutes consistency.
  2. Universal usability:

·        Could a blind person navigate this site? Why or why not?

·        Could an older person use the site? Why or why not?

·        Could a novice user navigate easily? Why or why not?

  1. Informative feedback:

·        Find an example of feedback, or lack of it.

  1. Dialogs to yield closure:

·        Find an example of closure.

  1. Prevent errors:

·        Did you encounter any errors while navigating?

  1. Easy reversal of action:

·        If you made an error, is it easy to reverse?

  1. Internal locus of control: (User is in control of the system)

·        Is the system responding to your commands?

·        Can you find what you want easily? Give one example.

  1. Reduce short-term memory load:

·        Can you remember what was on the homepage once you leave? Give one example.


What type of interaction style was used in the Web site you examined? Briefly describe why it is one or the other.

·        Direct manipulation:

·        Menu selection: