Chapter 14

Information Search and Visualization





  • Apply the five-phase framework to clarify user interfaces for textual search
  • Understand textual search query
  • Compare data search queries through clustering to traditional data searches performed by search engines such as Google



  • In groups of 2 or 3, complete the following activity, refer to your textbook p. 567 if needed.
  • You have 50 minutes to complete the activity.
  • Write up your results for grading.  You will present your results the next class period.




  • The link above is the Vivísimo search engine called Clusty.
  • According to the five-phase framework to clarify user interfaces for textual search (p. 567), Vivísimo does a better job in grouping your searches into meaningful categories than Google.
  • To prove or disprove the above statement, perform the following tasks:
    1. Access the site.
    2. Initiate a search: i.e. “Jobs in Maryland” or any search you desire.
    3. In the result page give an example of each of the following items:


      • The engine provided access to the appropriate source in libraries and collections
      • Its use of fields for limiting the source
      • How it recognizes phrases to allow entry of names
      • How it permits variants to allow relaxation of search constraints (i.e. abbreviations)
      • Control the size of the result set

Initiation of action

·        Example of explicit actions initiated by buttons with consistent labels

·        Example of Implicit actions initiated by changes to the formulation phrase (make your search more precise)

Review of results

·        Example of an explanatory message

·        Example on how you can manipulate visualization

·        Example on how you can adjust the size of the results

·        Can you change the sequencing: i.e. try alphabetical

·        Give an example of a different cluster by changing the attribute value


·        Example of a meaningful message that guided your search in the refinement stage

·        Example of changing the search parameters

·        Example of a feedback you got on your query. How relevant was it?


·        Can you save your settings for other searches? Give an example

·        Compare the above to the same search using Google