CS320 Project 2 Part I - Pool
You will implement the first phase of a pool
simulation using the Lab4 files as a starting point. You have a pool table
and pool balls, whose attributes will be read from a file whose name is given as
a command line argument.
The file format is as follows where the data items are separated by whitespace
ll.x ll.y
ur.x ur.y // area of play boundary
color of area of play // in rgb components on [0.0, 1.0]
width of fringe area surrounding area of play
color of fringe area
coefficient of restitution
coefficient of rolling friction
number of balls
mass radius color position velocity // ball data, repeated for each ball
The coefficient of rolling friction (Crf)
has the following property:
V' = (1 - Crf Ti) V
where V' is the future velocity, Ti is the time elapsed for the
current simulation step, and V is the current velocity.
Your simulation should have the following characteristics:
- I expect your program to be readable and literate. Use meaningful
identifier names, adequate whitespace, and appropriate comments. Split long
statements into several lines, preserving readability. Indent carefully.
- As already mentioned, data will be read from a file. The name of the
file to be read should be given on the command line. The simulation should
exit if there is not a single command line argument, or if the data file
can't be opened.
The classes BufferedReader and StreamTokenizer are useful for reading the
input. For example to read in the first value you could have code that
looks like:
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(in);
ll.x = st.nval;
- It is acceptable to use constant values to define the window size rather
than compute values. I used a window of size 900 by 450. You may assume that
the window will not be resized.
- Your simulation should be physically accurate. This means you will need
to record the time between simulation steps and account for it in your
simulation. This also applies to the coefficient of rolling friction. These
will ensure the simulation looks the same regardless of the capabilities of
the machine on which it runs.
You may use the method
System.currentTimeMillis() to get the current time in milliseconds
and use this to calculate the elapsed time since the last step.
- The ball array should be sized at run time.
- If designed and written properly, very few modifications need to be made
for handling collisions between a ball and
the boundary. It will be quite useful to have a wrapper function generate
the virtual ball modeling the boundary and then pass the two balls to
. You will need to find a way to represent the
infinite mass of the virtual ball and modify collisionResponse()
to recognize this and adjust the computation. This is the only change needed
to collisionResponse()
The following will be taken into consideration in evaluating your work:
- The design and generality of your solution.
- Completeness of testing. (Of course, you need to provide evidence of
testing --- you will lose points for not documenting this.)
- The readability of your code.
Submit your project in a single ZIP archive.