More Light on Light

Tom Kelliher, CS 320

Apr. 22, 2013




Read 5.7-5.9.

From Last Time

Introduction to light.


  1. Derivation of Phong lighting model.

  2. Computing normal vectors.

Coming Up

Incremental final project.

The Phong Reflection Model

  1. Consider an object point, ${\bf p}$ and a light source ${\bf p}_i$.

  2. Important vectors:


    1. $l$: vector to light source.

    2. $n$: surface normal.

    3. $v$: vector to COP.

    4. $r$: reflection vector.

  3. The light from source to object can be described by:

{\bf L}_i = \left[ \begin{array}{rrr}
L_{ira} & L_{iga} & L...
... L_{ibd} \\
L_{irs} & L_{igs} & L_{ibs}
\end{array} \right]

    (theoretically wrong but, in practice, right)

  4. Using material properties, distance from source, orientation of surface and direction of source a reflection matrix can be constructed:

{\bf R}_i = \left[ \begin{array}{rrr}
R_{ira} & R_{iga} & R...
... R_{ibd} \\
R_{irs} & R_{igs} & R_{ibs}
\end{array} \right]

  5. (Simplified) Illumination at $\bf p$:

I = I_a + I_d + I_s = L_aR_a + L_dR_d + L_sR_s

    A global ambient term may be ``thrown'' in.

Ambient Reflection

Same at each point on a surface:

I_a = R_a L_a

Repeat for each color.

Diffuse Reflection

  1. Diffuse surface brightest at noon, dimmest at dawn, dusk.

  2. Lambert's law: we see only the vertical component of light:

R_d \propto \cos \theta

  3. If $\bf l$ and $\bf n$ are normalized:

\cos \theta = {\bf l} \cdot {\bf n}


I_d = \frac{R_d}{a + bd + cd^2}({\bf l} \cdot {\bf n}) L_d.

Specular Reflection

  1. Specular reflection produces highlights.

  2. The smoother the surface (higher shininess) the narrower the range of reflection angles.

  3. Reflectivity proportional to angle between viewer ($\bf v$) and perfect reflection ($\bf r$):

R_d \propto \cos^\alpha \phi,

    where $\alpha$ is the shininess term:
    1. $< 100$ for objects with broad highlights.

    2. 100 to 500 for most metallic objects.

  4. Assuming normalized vectors:

I_s = \frac{R_s}{a + bd + cd^2} ({\bf r} \cdot {\bf v})^\alpha L_s

The Phong Model

Computed for each light source and each color:

I = \frac{1}{a + bd + cd^2}(R_d L_d ({\bf l} \cdot {\bf n}) +
R_s L_s ({\bf r} \cdot {\bf v})^\alpha) + R_a L_a.

Introduction to Computation of Normals

  1. Outward facing normal must be specified for each vertex.

  2. Analytic surfaces: cross product of partial differentials

  3. Polygonal surfaces:
    1. Points of continuity.

    2. Points of discontinuity.

Thomas P. Kelliher 2013-04-21
Tom Kelliher