Multiplier Functional Unit

Tom Kelliher, CS 240

Apr. 24, 2006




From Last Time



  1. Brief description of surrounding system.

  2. Multiplier datapath.

  3. Adding control to the datapath.

Coming Up

VHDL for multiplier.

Surrounding System

  1. In CS 220, we studied a single-cycle implementation. Here, we need a multi-cycle implementation, to handle the multiplier and memory access.

  2. Assume multiplier and multiplicand are provided during the same clock cycle. The result is stored in two registers: High and the named destination register.

    Assembly example:

    mul $s2, $s1, $s0
    mvh $s3

  3. We need a ``start'' signal and a ``done'' signal.

Multiplier Datapath

The standard optimized shift and add multiplier. What's its running time?


How/why does this work?

Will this work for negative values?

Adding Control

Assume a 16-bit adder. Let's get started.

Thomas P. Kelliher 2006-04-23
Tom Kelliher