Internet Wild Goose Search

CS 102

60 pts., due Feb. 26

When I find myself tiring of technology and the hectic pace of our society, I often head for hiking trails in the Pennsylvania wilderness to rejuvenate myself. Thus the genesis of this Internet wild goose search. Using Internet search engines, answer each of the following questions. The ``State'' in what follows is Pennsylvania.

  1. What is the State tree? The State flower?

  2. Name the insect that is, literally, sucking the life out of the State tree. Its name is two words.

  3. The Allegheny Front separates the Valley and Ridge geologic province from what other geologic province?

  4. Elk County is one county in which wild elk may be found. Name another.

  5. When I do hiking trail maintenance, I often use a tool colloquially referred to as a ``swizzle stick.'' What is a swizzle stick and what is it used for, specifically?

  6. The Donut Hole Trail is located in what State Forest?

  7. There is one National Forest in Pennsylvania. Name it.

  8. The fisher, a small mammal, was recently re-introduced to Pennsylvania. Name the Frostburg University (Maryland) biologist who was involved in its re-introduction.

  9. My favorite hiking trail in Pennsylvania is the Mid State Trail, abbreviated MST. In reference to the Mid State Trail, what else does the abbreviation ``MST'' stand for?

  10. Name the Wild Area in Moshannon State Forest which was used for nuclear research during the late 50's. Name the corporation which performed the research.

  11. For any two of the previous 10 searches, describe how you went about finding the answer. Pick two ``tough'' searches to show-off your newly-acquired Internet search skills. (Consider this to be two questions.)

Write your answers up as a Word document, and e-mail it to me to turn the assignment in.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Feb 15 14:21:45 EST 2001
Tom Kelliher