Web Style Manual Study

Tom Kelliher, CS 102

Apr. 13, 2001



Optional project.


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  1. Web style manual study group quiz. Can we finish this today?

Coming Up

Style Manual Study

  1. What sections to consider:
    1. Page Design: Graphic Design 100; Balanced Pages; Graphic Safe Areas; Page Headers; Typography I; Typography II; Consistency; Basic Tables; and Page Length.

    2. Web Graphics: Introduction; Color Display Primer; Summary, File Formats; Illustrations.

  2. How:
    1. Assign each person in group 2--3 sections.

    2. Summarize your sections.

    3. Present to group and discuss.

    4. Develop evaluation criteria and submit.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Apr 12 20:56:36 EDT 2001
Tom Kelliher