area prog, code, readonly entry ldr r0, =strg ; Load address of string strg into r0. ldr r0, [r0] ; Using strg's address, load strg into r0. ; Add ARM code here to capitalize the 'c' in the string in r0, leaving ; the remaining characters as-is. Your solution should be general ; enough to work with any three letter word, such as "dog." ; ; If you study the ASCII table, the offset between a lowercase ; character and its uppercase counterpart is -0x20. Therefore, to ; convert a lowercase character to uppercase, simply subtract 0x20 ; from it. ; ; If you've done this correctly, you should end up with 0x43617400 in r0. ; If you replace "cat" with "dog" below, you should end up with ; 0x446F6700 in r0. fin b fin area progData, data, readonly align strg = "cat\0" end