Exam II Review

Tom Kelliher, CS 116

Nov. 6, 2002



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  1. Review for Exam II.

Coming Up

Exam II.


  1. Closed book. However, may use online Java documentation.

  2. Will hand out exams at 1:25. Will collect exams at 2:25.

    Minutes and points for each problem.

  3. Methods to be familiar with: setBackground(), actionPerformed(), setText(), addActionListener(), init(), getSource(), constructors.

  4. Objects to be familiar with: Button, Label, ActionEvent, Applet.

  5. Event handling.

  6. Variables classes and types:
    1. Classes: local, instance, class.

    2. Types: int, boolean, float, double.

  7. Parameter passing and return values.

  8. if/else construct.

  9. Boolean expressions:
    1. Comparisons (==, !=, etc.)

    2. Logical operators: ||, &&, ~.

  10. Assignment operations.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Nov 5 12:04:01 EST 2002
Tom Kelliher