Paper I

CS 102

60 pts., due Oct. 12

Your paper will be graded using the following criteria:

  1. Spelling and grammar. Since you now know how to use spell and grammar checks, the spelling and grammar in your paper should be flawless.

  2. Appropriate formatting:
    1. 1 inch margins, all around. Doublespaced. The paper should be 4--5 pages in length. Indent the first line of each paragraph by 1/2 inch. The body of the text should be left- and right-justified.

    2. Centered title and author name. These should be in a font different from the body font and should be a larger point size. Don't use a separate title page.

    3. Page numbers in the footer and the paper title in the header (except on the first page)

  3. Substantiation of position. I don't particularly care what position you take on an issue, but it must be substantiated through a valid supporting argument. I prefer to see papers in which a position is taken rather than papers which merely report facts.

  4. References. You should cite at least five online references. The proper format for an online reference is:
    Author/editor. Title of Print Version of Work. Edition statement (if given). Publication information (Place of publication: publisher, date) (if given). Title of Electronic Work. Medium. Information supplier. Available protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
    Example reference:
    Pritzker, Thomas J. An Early Fragment from Central Nepal. N.D. Online. Ingress Communications. Available: June 8, 1995.
Your paper should be e-mailed to Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN as an attachment before the beginning of class on the 12th. Microsoft Word is the only format which I will accept.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Oct 5 18:26:05 EDT 2001
Tom Kelliher