Text Processing

Tom Kelliher, CS29

Mar. 4, 1997

  1. Reading?

  2. Return quizzes.

  3. Analyze two problems:
    1. Write a ``tee'' program that sends keyboard input to several output locations, translating all lowercase characters to uppercase (i.e., yelling). The program should terminate when EOF is received.

    2. Write a simple database query program. The database file consists of records with two fields:
      • Name.

      • Phone number.

      The field terminator is a : .

      The program should read the file into a list and then accept queries (name), printing the corresponding phone number or an error message. The program should terminate when EOF is received.



  1. The general method of opening files for reading, writing.

  2. EOF and indicating it from the keyboard.

  3. The character translation operator.

Design of pseudo-code.

A working program:

#!/usr/contrib/bin/perl -w

# upcase.pl

if (!open(FILE1, ">file1"))
    die "Couldn't open file1";

if (!open(FILE2, ">file2"))
    die "Couldn't open file2";

$line = <STDIN>;

while ($line)
    $line =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
    print $line;
    print FILE1 $line;
    print FILE2 $line;

    $line = <STDIN>;


exit 0;

Database Query


  1. Elegance vs. getting the job done.

  2. Lists in perl.

  3. Format of the database file:

  4. The && (logical and) operator and compound conditions.

  5. String matching.

  6. The split function.

  7. Nested loops.

Design of Pseudo-code.

A working program:

#!/usr/contrib/bin/perl -w

# database.pl

print "Enter file name: ";
$file = <STDIN>;

if (!open(FILE, "<$file"))
    die "Couldn't open $file";

$line = <FILE>;
$last = 0;

while ($line)
    $lines[$last] = $line;
    $last = $last + 1;

    $line = <FILE>;


print "Enter a name: ";
$name = <STDIN>;

while ($name)

    $i = 0;
    $found = 0;

    while (!$found && $i < $last)

        if ($lines[$i] =~ /$name/)
            $found = 1;
            @fields = split(/:/, $lines[$i]);
            print "Phone number: $fields[1]\n\n";
            $i = $i + 1;

    if (!$found)
        print "Couldn't find $name.\n\n";

    print "Enter a name: ";
    $name = <STDIN>;

exit 0;

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Mar 4 07:42:09 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher