3.6. pg_database

The pg_database catalog stores information about the available databases. The pg_database table is shared between all databases of a cluster. Databases are created with the CREATE DATABASE. Consult the Administrator's Guide for details about the meaning of some of the parameters.

Table 3-6. pg_database Columns

datnamename Database name
datdbaint4pg_shadow.usesysidOwner of the database, initially who created it
encodingint4 Character/multibyte encoding for this database
datistemplatebool  If true then this database can be used in the "TEMPLATE" clause of CREATE DATABASE to create the new database as a clone of this one.
datallowconnbool  If false then no one can connect to this database. This is used to protect the template0 database from being altered.
datlastsysoidoid  Last oid in existence after the database was created; useful particularly to pg_dump
datpathtext  If the database is stored at an alternative location then this records the location. It's either an environment variable name or an absolute path, depending how it was entered.